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Community Groups

Pine Rivers Men's Shed

The Pine Rivers Men’s Shed was set up to provide a meeting place for men of all ages to carry out meaningful activities and provide an avenue for learning, mentoring and fellowship.

Activities undertaken at the men’s shed include:

  • Basic woodworking, wood turning, metal working, computer training and photography.
  • A range of skills development programs and community projects.
  • Access to equipment, training and skills for personal projects.
  • A drop-in centre for men to call in and have a coffee and a chat.
  • A range of social activities, including snooker, darts, and card games.
  • Friendship opportunities for isolated men within the community.
  • A guest speaker program covering men’s health and well-being and various interests.
  • A dedicated “blokes” space.



$60 per year.

Opening Hours

  • Xmas 2024:
    Closed 20/12/24 - 06/01/25
  • Monday:
    08.00am - 01.00pm
  • Tuesday:
    08.00am - 01.00pm
  • Wednesday:
    08.00am - 01.00pm
  • Thursday:
  • Friday:
    08.00am - 01.00pm
  • Saturday:
  • Sunday: